Just because I didn't grow up in Minnesota or some other flyover state doesn't mean I do not have opinions on cars and their snowbility. To clarify, this car will be used to drive between NYC and an "away house".
As much as it pains my still-unreasonably-materialistic-about-cars-because-I-grew-up-in-Texas-heart to recommend this, Subaru is going to be a great option. (Saying someone drove a Subaru was a serious slam in high school.) They're cheapish, low maintenance, have amazing heating systems, and eat snow for breakfast. They also maintain decent gas mileage for the rest of the year. Specifically, the Subaru Outback. The Forrester is a little less jankish looking, but not quite as good in the snow.
If you're just looking to pimp out, obviously a Volvo XC90 or Range Rover would work well or Mercedes, Acura, etc... The problem with a big 4wd sport utility is they have hideous gas mileage.
Things to consider:
1. Is there a neighborhood association or something that plows the roads? If not, some kid/redneck you can pay to do it? If not, you might NEED the 4WD.
2. Winter driving course - some dealerships will throw this in with a new car (a pelon, if you will).
3. Even old Subarus work well, so don't be afraid to buy used.
If I were in your shoes, I'd buy a 2008ish Subaru Outback with some kind of winter package - heated seats etc - and around 40k miles on it.
Subaru it is!